Thursday, April 29, 2010

Why Do You Need a Business Plan?

From my experience the main reason you need a business plan is because many people decide to either:

  1. not go into business OR

  2. go into a different business OR

  3. wait to go into business

after they write their business plan.  Wouldn't you rather know this before you opened your doors than after?

So, what is a business plan anyway?  A business plan is a written document that explain in detail all aspects of your business.  A business plan usually includes:

  • Executive Summary - a summary of the entire plan

  • Mission, Vision A& Description -  why the business will exist, the expected or intended future of the business, the business goals & objectives, philosophy, target marget, etc.

  • Products & Services - what your business plans to offer

  • Marketing Plan - how to best market the business, barriers to entry and how to overcome them, features & benefits of your products & services, how much of each product & service you believe you can sell in a year

  • Operational Plan - explains the day to day operations of a business

  • Management and Organization - who will be in charge and how the business will survive it's managers/owners

  • Personal Financial Statement - the financial resources of the owners - a balance sheet or list of all assets and liabilities of each individual owner of the business.

  • Start-up Costs and Capitalization - List of expenses you will incur before your business begins (like consulting costs, attorney fees, utility deposits, furniture & fixtures, rent, etc.), the amount of cash the owners or investors intend on putting into the business, loans and lines of credit the business intends on obtaining, etc.

  • Forecasted Profit and Loss - A detailed 12-month forecast of your anticipated income and expenses.  It's also helpful to have a forecasted cash flow statement and breakeven analysis.

Yes, it's a lot of work to create a good business plan, but you'll be glad you did it.  In addition, there's a lot of resources out there to help you, such as:

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