Thursday, January 6, 2011

A New Degree Can Make You a Better Entrepreneur

Earning a new degree can make you a better entrepreneur Being an entrepreneur is more than just having a great idea. Instead, it is about being able to execute and manage this idea. Having a small

business or bringing a great idea to life means understanding how to finance, sell, market, and then keep the accounting on this group.
This is where new degrees from online schools come into play. Having a degree in marketing, finance, accounting, and economics will give an individual a great number of skills that will help an individual become a successful entrepreneur or small business owner. The following includes some basic information about how a new degree will develop a person’s skills and make him or her a better entrepreneur.

Marketing is key to any business. After all, one has to sell an idea to people of all ages and backgrounds. Understanding how to create a marketing plan takes time. One has to understand the different marketing tools around – everything from advertising in local publications and holding promotional events to using social networking items – and understanding how to target specific groups of people. A degree in marketing will teach a person how to perfect the art of customer service, how to word advertisements, and how to really make items look attractive to specific types of people (businessmen, stay at home mothers, college students, etc.).

Economics is more than just counting money. Instead, it’s about understanding supply and demand. You need to be able to judge the market both in one’s community and around the world to understand how to lure people into a business or make an idea economically smart. After all, if there are tons of breakfast places in a community, one may want to rethink starting another one. Instead, a new idea should satisfy a need people have. This means understanding how to entice people into coming into your new business and investing in goods and services. An economics degree will help people read the news and read economic-focused statistics to understand how the market is changing and how changing interest rates and trends could affect the price of one’s goods as well as any small business loans one may have.

A business degree is another important investment. Such a degree will help a person manage the day to day operations of a group. Running a business is more than having a store and selling goods. Instead, it is also about understanding the basics of accounting – so that every expense is accounted for – as well as basic payroll information. Treating employees right means taking care of taxes, making sure checks are on time, and ensuring all laws are followed. Update one’s administrative skills and learn how to organize a store or price goods and services so that this idea or business is successful.

Starting a business means making a plan and understanding the ins and outs of how to make the most of an idea. Thus, one should know how to make a budget, develop a marketing plan, how to gauge the every-changing market, and how to keep track of how funds are spent or used. With enough planning, one can make the most of an idea. Entrepreneurs will arm themselves with important skills and information if they earn new degrees.

This is a guest post from C. H., a freelance writer.

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